Prevention of Gender Based Violence(GBV) Program

Total numbers reached (Direct & indirect)- 6.4M

The fundamental human rights of both adults and children are violated by gender-based violence. Gender-based violence can affect boys and girls, men and women. But as women and girls are the group most impacted, this field will primarily focus on them. Women and girls experience abuse in many forms, including sexual, psychological, physical, and destructive customs like female genital mutilation.

According to the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) for 2022, the nation’s GBV prevalence is alarming. Regional differences in the prevalence of physical violence against women since the age of 15 account for a startling 34% of women aged 15 to 49. With 35% of women reporting physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from a current or past partner in the last year, intimate partner violence is a common occurrence. It is concerning to note that about 50% of women who have ever been married or had a close partner have been the victim of abuse at some point in their lives. These numbers demonstrate how urgently Kenya needs to implement comprehensive GBV prevention and response initiatives.

Since year 2011, KWCWC has received support from donors, corporates and individuals to conduct awareness on GBV issues within the community. Over the years, the GBV prevention programs have been supported by United States Agency for international Development (USAID), Ford Foundation, Isuzu E.A Ltd, Mini Management and Research Training Institute.