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Capacity Building of GBV Service Providers

Total numbers reached (Direct & indirect)- 470,000

Our center promotes a two-pronged strategy: giving survivor-centered care first priority and equipping first responders to handle GBV effectively. Survivors receive all-encompassing support, including safe haven, trauma-informed counseling, therapeutic care, and legal advice. We also increase the capability of judges, social workers, law enforcement, and healthcare professionals at the same time. The main topics of instruction are referral routes, legal processes, trauma-informed care, and sensitive communication. This two-pronged approach fortifies the response system as a whole and guarantees survivors receive considerate and efficient treatment, opening the door for a future free from GBV.

Our commitment to empowering first responders extends beyond our center walls. Partnering with Kiganjo Police Training Institute and Counties Gender Offices, we’ve reached crucial stakeholders at the source. Through the partnership with Kenya School of Law, police officers, chiefs, and paralegals have received vital training. This translates to:

  • Police equipped:Officers gain skills in sensitive GBV investigation, evidence collection, and survivor support, building trust and improving case outcomes.
  • Empowered chiefs:Local leaders can now identify and address GBV within their communities, offering immediate support and connecting survivors to resources.

Paralegals ready: Equipped with legal knowledge and referral pathways, they provide crucial guidance and ensure survivors navigate the legal system effectively.

These collaborations serve as examples of our teamwork style and the benefits of training first responders. We build a network of support for survivors by arming various groups, which promotes a safer and better-informed Nairobi. Our goal is to have more training programs and partnerships in order to strengthen interventions for GBV at all levels in the future.